Welcome to DATA606!
Welcome to DATA606! Your instructors will be Dr. Jason Bryer, Dr. Angela Lui and Dr. George Hagstrom. Couple of important notes as you get started:
The course syllabus located on this website here: https://spring2025.data606.net/course/syllabus.html We will post all course materials there. Blackboard will be used primarily for submitting assignments. Please read the syllabus carefully! Send us any questions you may still have about the course.
Complete this Google Form as soon as possible. We will use some of the data (in aggregate) in the meetup.
Join the Slack channel by clicking here (or use your @sps.cuny.edu email address). This will be our primary mode of communication.
For private communications, you can either send private Slack messages or email us at jason.bryer@cuny.edu, angela.lui@cuny.edu, and george.hagstrom@cuny.edu.
Complete the self-regulated learning assessment in DAACS. Visit /assignments/daacs.html for more information.
Once you go through the syllabus, try starting Lab 1 as soon as you can. This will require you to install R and RStudio and will help get you get acquainted with R. See the software page for more information about the software we will use for this course.
The best way to reach us is on Slack. If you would prefer to talk on the phone or setup a Zoom session, it is best to suggest some times by email first.
Our Meetups will be on Wednesdays from 8:00pm to 9:00pm. We expect everyone to attend or watch the Meetups. Important information will be shared during the meetups that will not be available in any other format.
We am looking forward to getting to know everyone and a fantastic semester! Good luck!